Style!! Trends!! Fashion!!
The three words which rule our lives most of the time! Irrespective of the fact that you come under plus, petite or tall size category of fashion, the moment you step out of your house, if the above three words are not in sync with your attire, you might just end up going back home, as most of the time, you will be stared at as if you have committed a sin or a crime. But the horrifying truth is that in today’s fashionista world, being out of fashion is considered nothing short of crime, punishable by the fashion police.
However, a question comes to mind:
Is Being in Fashion All that is needed?
Actually NO!!
Place and people matters too!!
Keeping this in mind we have decided to launch a Dress to Impress Saga that revolves around the four most important and life changing phases of any women’s life!
The College
College Proms!! Boys!! Flirtation!!Growing Up
Oh My!! So Much to Buy & So Much to Do!!
Had To Be In Perfect Outfit At All Times!!!
Professional Front
The Time You Start Recognizing Your True Potential!!
The Time You Start Earning!!
The Time You Become Responsible!!
First Date
Butterflies in the Stomach!!
Nervous Anticipation on the way to Venue!!
First Impressions Sets the Tone of Date!!
In-Laws Scare
Want & Need to Make Lasting Impressions!!
Trying to Be You!!
Looking Casual with Elegance!!
Suppose you are going to visit your prospective in-laws for the first time, wearing that sheer sexy red dress is big NO! NO! The impression you want to portray forward is of a perfect girl for their beloved son, for which you should wear dress that shouts elegance, demureness and sophistication.
So ladies just get your pen and paper ready to write down the tips and tricks to Impress and WOW the world around. We will be starting the show shortly with few basic guidelines followed by the four phases of our lives…..
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I am the same about trousers, whlive I’ve always liked them I just never really felt like me – until recently – maybe I just found the right ones but suddenly I love trousers! I have bought 3 pairs in the last 2 months, and considering I only had 1 pair for years before that, it is quiet a big change for me!Your blog is fantastic – I love it!Christina x